1) The subscription must be paid in advance, before the beginning of the lessons. It is forbidden to access the gym with the expired subscription. In case of expired subscription it is recommanded the earlier arrival to the lesson.

2) The registration and cancellation to the activities, offered by CrossFit Sky Dome, must be done booking the activity according to the mode explained at the reception

3) The medical certificate must be mandatorily submitted within two weeks from the beginning.   

4) During the subscription period the reschedule or reimbursement of lost lessons, with the exception of what agreed in the contract, is not foreseen. In case of weekday closing of the gym, the period will be added during the following month.

5) The access to CrossFit Sky Dome is only allowed in the hours indicated in the planning.

6) If someone doesn’t partecipate to the lesson, must stay out of the training areas

7) It is important an adequate personal hygiene to have access to the training area, wear clean sneakers, to be used only in the gym area, and adequate sportswear

8) The use of mobiles during the lessons is allowed only in extraordinary cases

9) Punctuality to the lesson is requested

10) It is mandatory the use of the towel

11) The equipment can be used if the operation mode is known and under the staff supervision. Damages will be charged to the responsibles.

12) The area used for training must be cleaned by the sweat and the magnesite, with the necessary equipment (paper, spray of water, ecc) and the equipment used must be cleaned and stored in the right place

13) CrossFit SkyDome is not responsible for accidents that may happen to the registered people, during the use of the equipments or during the stay in the gym and caused by negligence or during the Open gym hours

14) CrossFit SkyDome is not responsible for damages or thefts of things left in the locker room or in the parking

15) The staff has the duty to enforce this Regulation and should be facilitated in its task and in particulat has the right to make checks

16)If, for any reason, Crossfit SkyDome observes behaviours which are not compliant to the internal Regulation, can take measures and decide to suspend or distrust a person

17)Crossfit SkyDome is covered by the assurance for civil responsabilities, the assurance covers only damages to things or people occurred in the context of the activity described in the policy